At the heart of our company’s ethos are five Core Commitments that define who we are and guide how we operate. These commitments are more than just principles; they are actions that require active awareness and consistent attention to drive success. By keeping them at the forefront of our minds, we ensure they inform every decision and interaction.
While these commitments may evolve over time, they are the foundation of our core beliefs and our promise to uphold the standards that define us.
We move with Urgency and Focus
- Purpose: We make fast initial progress, and iterate toward best outcomes.
- Behaviour: Continually question how we can move faster? We think 80-20.
- Action: Make quick decisions and initial progress, knowing some of them will be wrong, and then iterate.
- Supportive Action: Don’t be afraid to be wrong. Use mistakes as an opportunity to learn.
We speak to Customers to learn from them
- Purpose: Customers drive our decisions and forward progress.
- Behaviour: Constantly and actively seek feedback and input; speaking to customers is never-ending.
- Action: Understanding our customers is everyone's job.
- Supportive Action: We must each actively seek out engagement and opportunities to learn about, and from, our customers.
We are Driven by Curiosity
- Purpose: Foster curiosity to learn and improve by seeking ways to do better and promote a growth mindset.
- Behaviour: Be curious! Love to learn and seek sources of truth.
- Action: Ask questions and seek knowledge from experts who know more than we do.
- Supportive Action: Solicit and encourage feedback and new ideas to make us smarter and stronger.
We Foster Belonging